Videos & Presentations
The Plan of salvation is detailed in the sanctuary. The hebrew sanctuary of the bible is a copy of the CURRENT one in heaven. Without a solid understanding of the sanctuary you are missing the beauty, exactness OF Christ's work and His love to rid us of sin.
Where is jesus now?
What is he doing?
what should we be doing right now in correlation with Jesus' work?
The answers are in this heavenly sanctuary.
This is an incredible 32-part series
Exploring the idea that the spiritualism that the Bible speaks about at the end of time, is known today as UFOs, UAPs, and Aliens and will play a pinnacle role in last day events. Theorizing that this, once hidden agenda, is now revealing itself more and more each day, and will soon become an overwhelming surprise to many. Revealing that this phenomenon isn't just spiritual, but is being pushed as an agenda as seen in Wikileaks
RIGHTEOUSNESS BY FAITH? - Or what is the real gospel?
dennis priebe
If you are wanting online
one-on-One Bible Study, JuanCarlos DeJesus has a ministry called cleaver of truth. Visit this site to book a study time just copy and paste the link below into your browser: